Endorsed by Trademark Expert

Scott Alprin, Trademark Attorney

"'Did You Know?' offers a practical, yet comprehensive look into trademark law for the beginner. It is a quick and informative dive into general trademark law, jam packed with lots of terrific trademark tidbits! Ideal for those seeking to start gaining a solid footing in the U.S. market."

Take the first step to Trademark mastery

Course Preview

Did you know... branding USA

Discover essential insights to protect and enhance your brand in the USA

Whether you are already trading in the USA or are planning to enter the US market, having knowledge of US trademark law is key to your brand's success. Find out key facts that show how brands succeed and fail, so you can be empowered to make informed decisions and protect your own brand from common pitfalls. This course is an introduction to helping you navigate the complex world of US trademarks with confidence.
  • Enroll on this free course

    Find out about successful and failed brands in the USA.

  • Those that succeed...

    Discover powerful insights on successful trademark applications.

  • Global takeover!

    Real life stories of brands that took over the world through using IP.

  • Business growth

    Discover how Intellectual Property impacts business growth.

  • Iconic brands

    Hear case studies of the power of iconic brands like Mickey Mouse.

  • Protecting your brand

    The impact of protecting or not protecting a brand.

Secure your brand's future in the US market

Take the first step and enroll now for free

  • Essential insights

  • 13 Informative lessons

  • Engaging video content

  • Protecting and enhancing your brand tips

  • Gain confidence to navigate the complex trademark world

Protect your dreams, starting today

Course curriculum

    1. Did you know... about trademarks & marketing?

    1. Did you know... about registered trademarks?

    1. Did you know... about trademarks and global success?

    1. Did you know... about trademarks losing their power?

    1. Did you know... about using the ® sign?

    1. Did you know... the benefits of a registered trademark?

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Enroll Today: Transform your branding strategy

For a limited time only get 20% off our in-depth course to understand trademark basics and advanced strategies using the coupon code: brand-protection-online-20

Meet your Instructor

IP Trainer and Designer Anna Brewin

Anna trained as a designer and learnt about IP along her journey in protecting her own designs. Anna has several trademarks she has registered: 2 in the UK and 1 in the USA as well as her designs being protected in other ways. She is helping people from all walks of life learn how to be IP smart and the courses condense her 1000s of hours of drama, experience and learning to help others learn from her mistakes: written in everyday language with real life examples. All the content in the USA courses are checked and approved by a USPTO approved USA Trademark Attorney.