Learn how to protect your business, charity or organisation from hefty fines in this live class

Understanding about IP, protecting your work and helping you get smart about using the work of others as you don't want to get sued...

Join this powerful live class in which you will learn crucial skills and steps that you can action to protect your business, organisation or charity against hefty fines and penalties. If you have never studied Intellectual Property before, this is the course for you. You will learn how to protect your assets and respect those of others, to be equipped to help avoid the fines even years after you have unknowingly infringed someone else’s IP.

You will learn about how far and wide the impact of Intellectual Property is and which areas could affect you. So often people don't realise they are doing anything wrong until it is too late, or think that what they are doing won't get found out, until they are. 

One person was fined on 2 separate occasions for images that they had on their website 8 years after they were put on! Another organisation was fined for sharing an image on a blog from a charity they supported. The fines were the equivalent of $575 for each image. These are significant fines that needed to be paid even though the person who used the images was unaware of their unauthorised use. Take action to protect yourself, your business, charity or organisation.

The content of this course has been checked by legal professionals, but is written in language you and I can understand, with real life examples that affect our everyday. 

Live Training:

Contact us to find out more about having this training provided for your workplace or network.

Get smart about Intellectual Property, starting today

Course Preview

Part 1: Don't Steal My Stuff

What you will learn

So few people know about the subject of IP until it is too late. This course is geared towards helping you understand about this vital subject in advance of when you need it.

  • Just how important the subject of IP is and how it already impacts you

  • How knowing about IP can affect your income and could impact your livelihood

  • How to cheaply protect your own stuff

Nike's Success using their Intellectual Property

Nike has used their Intellectual Property to become the world's most successful sports brand. Learn how they did it and how their success influences lots of people today when they buy trainers.

What is covered in the courses

Take a look at the range of topics that are covered in the courses, as well as a whole lot more. 

  • Apple's Success

    Apple had a legal fight with Samsung and lost over not being cool.

  • Mickey Mouse

    How Mickey Mouse makes Disney a lot of money all over the world.

  • Ed Sheeran's battle

    Learn how Ed Sheeran was accused of copying and won his fight in court.

  • Formula 1 Secrets

    Learn about copying accusations on the race track.

  • The world's free gift

    How the internet was given to the world for free.

  • Cult Status

    How Volkswagen have benefitted from their brand reputation.

  • Want a coffee?

    How Costa works so hard to get you to buy from them.

  • How far and how wide

    Learn just how far and wide Intellectual Property impacts

  • Elvis beyond the grave

    Even though Elvis died many years ago, he is still making money today.

  • Get Smart

    Learn about this vital subject that probably already affects you!

  • Who took the chips?

    Learn about the IP story behind the McDonald's global empire.

  • Not breaking the bank

    Learn ways you can protect what you do cheaply.

Lonette was so grateful to learn about IP

Running a business and being a Mum of 4 small children, she found the layout of the course really helped with her busy lifestyle.

Hear from one of the students

Dee is amazed at what he learnt

"This course was GENIUS! It managed to bridge the gap between informative, time friendly and captivating. I knew a few things about intellectual property but I now see it was very minor, and for those that have business aspirations of any kind I recommend this course, it will save you a lot of headache down the road and protect you and your brand."
Dee's review on the course

Hear from one of the students

Rebecca F, Entrepreneur

"This course was extremely insightful and helpful. I didn’t realize how many things I am currently working on that could be in such jeopardy of infringement! I knew of course the music and writing needed to be protected, but I didn’t realize other things that I should be protecting to be able to make or keep income from in the future. I’m also grateful to know that I am already protecting myself in documenting content and I wasn’t aware I was documenting! It’s good to know that I’m already setting in motion things that I needed to protect It’s like having income and insurance in your pocket that you didn’t know you had! I love the videos and not only are they very insightful, but the are beautifully laid out and engaging. Even the music and descriptions were something I really enjoyed and made learning the content easy and simple. I also loved the stories of the companies you used as it related to everyday products and kept the content interesting as well. The list of things that could be protected were things I had not thought of. I found that a bit shocking actually that there are so many ways we can protect what we are designing, creating and working on. I guess I always thought it was for the bigger companies to protect, but not for someone just starting. Thank you for opening my eyes to areas I actually need to protect and thank you for such engaging course content! I would definitely be happy to suggest this course for others to take as a way to educate themselves on infringement. I feel it is a much needed course for anyone who is working on building a business with any type of product or content to be shared."
Rebecca's review on the IP course

Don't Steal My Stuff Legal Review

Ross Brandborg, USA Patent & Trademark Attorney

If you're starting a new venture and want to protect your ideas, the 'Don't Steal My Stuff' course is a great resource. This course provides a comprehensive overview of intellectual property law in a way that's easy to understand. You'll learn about the different types of intellectual property rights available and get practical guidance on how to safeguard your valuable assets. The course is structured in a way that builds fundamental understanding without getting bogged down in legal jargon. Whether you're starting a new venture or looking to strengthen the IP strategy of your existing work, 'Don't Steal My Stuff' provides tangible insights that can be directly applied to your operations. By taking this course, you can learn how to protect your ideas and gain practical guidance on how to safeguard your valuable assets. This can help you avoid legal issues and protect your venture from competitors who may try to steal your ideas. Overall, 'Don't Steal My Stuff' is a great resource for anyone starting a new venture or wanting to protect their existing work and looking to protect their intellectual property.
Ross Brandborg Patent & Trademark Attorney

Course Preview

Part 2: Smart IP - steps to protect you and your organisation

Learn about this crucial subject to find out just how much it could affect you and your creative business, charity or organisation in your everyday work. The content of this course has been checked by legal professionals, but is written in language you and I can understand, with real life examples that affect our everyday. 

  • What is IP?

    Learning more about this complicated subject.

  • Types of IP

    An overview of all the different IP types.

  • IP Types explained

    What the different types of IP are used for.

  • IP in work

    Understanding how much IP affects our working lives.

  • Steps to take

    Getting smart in taking steps to protect you and your organisation.

  • Right and wrong

    Making sure you use things in the right way.

  • Getting permission

    The importance of permission in everyday use.

  • Will I get found out?

    Being smart about using other people's IP.

  • Infringement examples

    Real life examples where things have gone wrong.

Feedback from IP Smart Course

Hear testimonials from those who attended the IP Smart live workshop and how much they benefitted from being part of it.

  • Student feedback

    "Very useful info in an easy and accessible way to understand. Useful for any creative organisation or person to find out more about IP and how it affects them. Anna is really great at putting complicated things simply, and for everyone to understand.'

  • Student feedback

    "The session was very comprehensive and interesting, lots of food for thought. It's information and insight we all need to be aware of in our everyday life in this world of social media. Many thanks Anna, your delivery, knowledge and session content was really informative. Putting the creative at the forefront and highlighting the need to respect their property is most worthwhile."

  • Student feedback

    "Very thorough. Very informative. Worth while taking the time to listen as it's important to understand. Good introduction to the subject. No use of jargon to confuse or intimidate."

Legally Approved Course

The content of this course has been checked by qualified and authorised legal professionals to check the content is all correct. But it is written in language you and I can understand, with real life examples that affect our everyday. Learn about this crucial subject to find out just how much it affects you now and get savvy so you can avoid getting taken for a ride in your creative, business and entrepreneurial endeavours. You will be provided a personalised certificate as proof of your continuing personal development.

Meet your Instructor

IP Trainer and Designer Anna Brewin

Anna trained as a designer and learnt about IP along her journey in protecting her own designs. Anna has several trademarks she has registered: 2 in the UK and 1 in the USA as well as her designs being protected in other ways. She is helping people from all walks of life learn how to be IP smart and the courses condense her 1000s of hours of drama, experience and learning to help others learn from her mistakes: written in everyday language with real life examples. All the content in the USA courses are checked and approved by a USPTO approved USA Trademark Attorney.